Good Health in School Children with Easy 360 Approach

For the development of good health in school children, schools should have a holistic approach, with parental involvement. Educational organizations create a foundation for healthy physical, mental, and social behaviour in learners, which has implications throughout life.

Along with health education, nutrition awareness, physical activities during school days, and mental well-being sessions; annual health check-ups and reporting by experts are extremely crucial to the wellness policy of every school.

Why good health in school children is important?

According to WHO, good health will lower the burden of diseases in children and adolescents., subsequently school children can attend their maximum potential. It will improve workforce capacity and performance.

It will prevent the detrimental effects of a health crisis for instance covid 19 affected the education system. Physical and mental well-being in students can reduce health risk factors affecting the school community. Health-promoting in school can foster physical and mental wellness lifelong.

Comprehensive health check-up:  Annual health check-up yield increased productivity, decrease absenteeism as well as it is cost-effective.

Biometric screening in school children gives insight into risk factors. After observing the report expert can guide students or parents about health improvement practices.

Vision screening with advanced tools helps in detecting vision problems at the earliest and provides treatment if required. Hearing problems lead to poor learning, through ENT Screening these problems can be checked.

Ergonomic assessment in students aids in improving posture as well as an address to their discomfort and pain. Body composition analysis tells about the percentage of fat and muscle, furthermore, it helps in creating customised health plans to reduce risk factors.

A dental examination can provide information about decay, delayed teeth eruption, missing teeth, malalignment, and other oral health problems.

Cardiorespiratory screening tests the cardiorespiratory fitness in students which is necessary for physical activity.

Simultaneously, mental Wellness assessment is equally important for school children. Teachers should be trained to develop a stress-free environment for learning. To cope with academic pressure or anxiety in learners, schools should take the help of counsellors.

Schools should conduct workshops by recognised experts for personality development, effective time management, anti-bully as well as parenting sessions.

Canteen assessment by nutritionists promotes healthy eating habits in school children from early life.

Maintaining an active lifestyle can prevent obesity and associated risk factors. Schools should focus on sports education with systematic training from coaches.

In a nutshell, a holistic 360 approach towards school health can combat health challenges in India. A wellness policy for school children with advanced facilities helps in disease prevention and health promotion.

Do you want to create a wellness program for your school? We are here to help.


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