School Health Check-Up for Sound Body and Strong Mind

School health check-up for a sound body and strong mind

Healthy kids are the wealth of the nation. In India, over 250 million students learn in schools. The Indian schooling system is considered one of the largest in the world. To maintain optimal school health, timely check-ups have proven outcomes. Students with sound bodies and strong minds can lead successful lives.

Let us deep dive to know; how is health check-up camp, a smart strategy for the robustness of schools.

What is school health?

In simple words, School health refers to a state of complete, physical, mental, social, and spiritual well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity among pupils, teachers, and other school personnel. (Definition by K. K Gilani)

Higher education acquisition, lower dropout rates, and better performance on academic level can be achieved based on good health.

Objectives of health check-up camp in school: In 2022; with the advent of technology, the goal of the wellness camp is to find out potential health issues in students and related staff. Additionally, it also gives a clear picture of the overall school health.

  1. To detect and manage diseases in children and adolescents in early life.
  2. To provide screening for malnourished and anaemic children as well as referral for treatment.
  3. To check growth and developmental milestones as per age
  4. Assessment of oral health in students and its implementation
  5. To inculcate healthy habits in a positive environment with expert guidance.
  6. To encourage students to be physically and mentally fit with a holistic approach.
  7. To catch mental illnesses such as anxiety disorder, and ADHD (attention-deficit / hyperactivity disorder) and to direct towards appropriate channels for counselling

School health check-ups: Schools pose a positive environment to promote wellness and instil healthy habits in everyday life. Conducting a multi-speciality health camp can facilitate a wide array of high-end screening services in real-time. Early intervention in the school day leads to detection and disease prevention. It provides clues for growth and developmental issues in children and allows parents to act upon them.

A comprehensive annual health check-up can offer biometric screening, body composition analysis advanced eye screening, advanced dental screening, ENT screening, cardiorespiratory screening, general screening, and ergonomic assessment for school and college students.

According to WHO, many countries have school health service program, but it is not operational due to funds or related facilities. Such programs if implemented well, can highly yield a multitude of benefits to school-age children and adolescents. Quality health care for the 5-19 years age group is essential. Therefore, every educational institution should have the provision for advanced health screening for students.

Role of parents: While talking about students’ well-being; school and family have their valuable share being that parents should take an active part to promote and maintain the good health of children. It includes a balanced diet, an active lifestyle, proper immunization, and providing a stress-free environment at home.

Parents’ engagement and support for school activities are crucial. Activities initiated for the health of students are futile without parental involvement. School staff and parents can join hands to achieve good school health. Through health check-up camps, schools can connect with parents to discuss the physical and mental well-being of their pupils and set the right approach.

As has been noted, lack of care, malnourishment, or anaemia in children can be addressed during wellness check-ups, which decreases the incidence of fatal diseases.

Mental wellness in school children: Growth and development of brain occur in childhood and adolescent stage. It is the time to obtain cognitive skills, problem-solving, empathy, exhibit control over impulses, and self-regulation. As a matter of fact, a negative environment for example bullying can hamper a child’s socio-emotional skills.

ICMR data states that 12 to 13% of school students in India suffer from mental, emotional, and communication problems. Anxiety disorders are one of the common mental illnesses seen in children. Additionally, School children may suffer from emotional or behavioural problems such as anxiety, depression, and learning difficulties.

Nuclear families, competitive pressure, and negative experiences from surrounding or digital spaces give rise to mental problems in children. Catching such ailments is possible through health check-up activities and it can save the progression of the condition. After detection students can have a conversation with a recognized child counsellor. Schools can communicate with family members to augment the mental health of students. Schools need to create a healthy atmosphere and incorporate mental health into the curriculum.

Importance of school health check-ups:  

  • Advanced School health check-ups can provide detailed health reports for every student.
  • It allows for maintaining all student records in one place with advanced digital aids over the years.
  • The top-notch medical equipment facilitates real-time assessment of every student.
  • Experts can guide children about diet and nutrition, weight management, and exercise tips to build a sound body and strong body.
  • Facing screening with peers, help children overcome fear and gain confidence in medical procedures.

Today’s school children are future global leaders, albeit the structure of health services for students is daunting. School Health check-ups need to transform in India to improve and maintain the well-being of students.


How do you Organise a health check-up camp?

  • School administration should arrange a health camp annually.
  • A team of a health professionals can be hired for comprehensive screening with advanced technology.
  • School authorities must inform parents about such wellness activities to attain maximum participation of students. to

Meta Description: School health check-ups can improve physical and mental well-being in children and inculcate wellness in students from an early age.


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